It can be helpful when we realize that we aren’t all wired the same way. This realization can lead to understanding and better connections rather than making assumptions about how other people are thinking.

One of these differences is how God wired us to emotionally connect with Him. Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book about this called Sacred Pathways, that describes 9 different ways people tend to connect with God. (Remember that in all the ways, reading the Bible and prayer are necessary to stay in communication with God and keep the relationship close!) Discovering our worship styles can be helpful in understanding others, but also in finding our sweet spot in how we connect with God in personal worship!

Following is a survey from a 2020 updated version of Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God, by Gary Thomas. (Survey from pp. 33-34, 51-52, 70-71, 99-100, 120-121, 140-141, 160-161, 185-186, 206-207. Zondervan. Kindle Edition.)